
RcppNT2 provides a number of helper functions, to make high-level use of NT2 easy. These come in the form of algorithms provided in the RcppNT2 namespace:

Algorithm Transformation
simdTransform(begin, end, out, F) vector -> vector
simdReduce(begin, end, init, F) vector -> scalar
simdFor(begin, end, F) vector -> any

These can be called in a similar manner to their counterparts in the standard library. Let’s investigate how these can be used.


NT2 provides a very large host of functions, all exported within the nt2 namespace. You can browse the full set in the NT2 User Manual.

However, it is not as simple as calling these functions directly on an arbitrary sequence – instead, you should think of these as the computational units that you compose together when forming an implementation.

A Simple Example

Let’s look at how we could compute the sum of a vector of numbers the RcppNT2 way. We can express this operation as a reduction; e.g. by successively applying lhs + rhs over the sequence. RcppNT2 provides the simdReduce() function for accomplishing this sort of reduction. Suppose we had a vector of doubles, call it data. We could express this computation as:

double total = simdReduce(pbegin(data),

The pbegin() and pend() functions are helpers provided by RcppNT2 – they provide pointers (rather than iterators) to the beginning and end of a block of data. functor::plus() is a helper functor that can be used with simdReduce(). Its implementation is:

struct plus {
    template <typename T>
    T operator()(const T& lhs, const T& rhs)
        return lhs + rhs;

This illustrates some of the basics as to how an algorithm can be implemented in the RcppNT2 way:

  1. Choose an appropriate RcppNT2 algorithm (in this case, simdReduce()),

  2. Write a class with a templated call operator, with its implementation written using functions provided by nt2 whenever possible.

Behind the scenes, the compiler will emit two specializations for the templated call operator: one with T = double, accepting the scalar case, and one with T = boost::simd::pack<double>, to allow for vectorized SIMD operations when possible, with fallbacks for the scalar case when not. Because all nt2 functions can operate with both scalars and packed values, you do not need to write a separate implementation for the scalar and non-scalar case – you merely need to be able to express your computation in a uniform way.

Handling Multiple Vectors

The simd* algorithms provided by RcppNT2 accept up to 2 vectors, depending on the computation. What if you want to handle 3 or more vectors at once?

RcppNT2 provides a variadic version of the simdFor() function as well, within the variadic namespace. Suppose you wanted to write a function that computed the scalar product of three vectors, e.g. sum(x * y * z). You could express the computation using a stateful functor in RcppNT2 as:

struct DotProduct
  template <typename T>
  void operator()(const T& x, const T& y, const T& z)
    result_ = nt2::sum(x * y * z);
  operator double() const { return result_; }
  double result_ = 0.0;

And this could then be called with:

double result = variadic::simdFor(DotProduct(), x, y, z);

RcppNT2 will take your functor, apply its call operator across each of the vectors passed in, and then return the result. Because C++11’s variadic templates are used behind the hood, you can construct algorithms that accept as many vector inputs as you need.

Handling NAs

By default, all of the functions provided by NT2 will propagate missing values (NA and NaNs). If you need to write an implementation that handles (omits) missing values, there are a couple tools available within RcppNT2 that can help. The general idea is this:

  1. Use the na::mask() function to compute an NA bitmask from a vector that contains missing values. The vector will be filled with values that are bitwise 1 when missing, and bitwise 0 when present. Call this vector the ‘NA mask’.

  2. Pass the NA mask vector along with any of your SIMD algorithms, and use nt2::bitwise_and() to apply and mask out missing values as appropriate.

See this example for motivation in how missing values can be handled in computation of the variance, without giving up the optimizations borne from SIMD instructions.


There are a number of things to keep in mind when writing your templated functors:

  • The NT2 functions are stricter about types, especially with literals. If you are working with a function that expects doubles, be sure to pass a double (e.g. 0.0 vs 0) as otherwise type deduction can fail.